Sysdig Secure vs Twistlock – A Comparison of Container Security Solutions

March 15, 2022


Containers are the future of software applications. They are fast, simple to deploy, and can run on any platform, making them a popular choice for developers and businesses. However, container security is an essential aspect that we cannot overlook. Container security solutions can detect and prevent attacks, mitigate vulnerabilities, and enforce compliance policies.

In this blog post, we compare two popular container security solutions – Sysdig Secure and Twistlock. We will examine their features, pros, and cons, and help you make an informed decision on which solution suits your needs.

Sysdig Secure

Sysdig Secure is a popular container security solution that provides vulnerability management, runtime security, and compliance management. It supports Kubernetes, Docker, and other container environments. Sysdig Secure also has integration with popular DevOps tools such as Jenkins, GitLab, and GitHub.


  • Vulnerability management that scans container images for vulnerabilities, and integrates flawlessly with image scanners Clarity and Anchore.
  • Compliance management that assists users in implementing policies and simplify compliance audits for cloud environments.
  • Real-time runtime security that can detect threats, identify anomalies, and promptly remediate.
  • Context-aware policies that adapt to environment changes at-scale, such as changes in images or deployments, to secure your environment.
  • Integration with DevOps tools.


  • Comprehensive security coverage, from image scanning to runtime security to compliance management.
  • Easy integration with popular DevOps tools.
  • Provides context-aware policies adapting to changes in the container environment.


  • High pricing compared to competitors.
  • Complex to set up and manage.


  • Sysdig scanned 3 million container images in 2021 for vulnerabilities.
  • Sysdig detected 18,000 security incidents in 2021.


Twistlock is a container security solution that provides end-to-end security for container environments. It has a strong focus on Kubernetes, though it supports other runtime environments. Like Sysdig Secure, Twistlock provides runtime security, vulnerability management, and compliance management.


  • Comprehensive vulnerability management that integrates seamlessly with vulnerability scanners such as Qualys and Anchore.
  • Cloud-native compliance management solution to simplify policy creation and ease compliance audits.
  • Real-time threat detection and response system that can detect and respond to threats in real-time.
  • Build-time security management that identifies security threats in container images before they are deployed into runtime environments.


  • End-to-end security that focuses on every phase of container security.
  • Integration with popular DevOps tools.
  • Simplifies compliance with audit-ready compliance reports.


  • High pricing compared to some other container security solutions.
  • Complex setup and management.


  • Twistlock scanned 3 million container images in 2021 for vulnerabilities.
  • Twistlock detected 16,000 security incidents in 2021.


Sysdig Secure Twistlock
Vulnerability Management Supports Clarity and Anchore integration Supports Qualys and Anchore integration
Compliance Management Simplify policy creation and ease compliance audits Audit-ready compliance reports
Build-time security management No Yes
Focus on Kubernetes Yes Yes
Real-time security Yes Yes
Integration with DevOps tools Yes Yes
Price High High

As we can see from the comparison table, both Sysdig Secure and Twistlock are powerful container security solutions that provide comprehensive security coverage for container environments. However, Twistlock provides build-time security management that Sysdig Secure lacks.

Interestingly, Sysdig Secure detected more security incidents than Twistlock in 2021, but this factor alone should not be a significant point of consideration. Other factors such as pricing and ease of management should also be considered when choosing a container security solution.


In conclusion, Sysdig Secure and Twistlock provide comprehensive container security solutions that protect against container vulnerabilities, Threats, and compliance violations. While both solutions have their pros and cons, Twistlock's Build-time security management is an advantage over Sysdig Secure, while Sysdig Secure has context-aware policy features that Twistlock lacks.

When choosing between these two solutions, however, it is crucial to pay attention to your organization's unique needs and management capabilities. Pricing should also be a crucial factor in making a final decision because both of these container security solutions are held at a premium price.


  1. Sysdig Secure official website
  2. Twistlock official website

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